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sonia sanchez gets arrested?

who would ever find that to be a good idea--to arrest sonia sanchez? sonia was one of my poetry teachers during my senior year. she's a macrobiotic vegetarian. she's also critically acclaimed and prolific and discplined and principled and open minded. she has her views--and they represent a singular collection views based on a varied collection of ideologies, from buddhism to the nation of islam--and she expects the absolute best of everyone. in life.

anyway, i received the following email today:

I need your support. 11 mothers/grandmothers (including myself) were arrested last week after
staging a sit-in at a local recruitment office. We went to enlist--thinking if they sent us, we
could talk to
Iranian mothers/grandmothers about ending this war we're in.

We were released that same night but were informed that we would go to trial on December 1,
2006 at 8:30am. The trial is to be held at the Community Courthouse in Philadelphia.

I'm asking that you all come out to support us on that day.
>In love/struggle,

>Sonia Sanchez

apparently, when the women went to the recruitment office, they brought an apple pie with them.


About me

  • I'm call me aja
  • From nyc
  • 20something, black, woman, reader, writer, about to be a student again. i think i'd like to be heard (or read). child/grandchild of immigrant folk. yearning to travel. desirous of wisdom. a little bit ordinary, but working at being less so.
My profile